Friday, 25 October 2013


                                     SPRING RITUAL.

Quite a few  of the prose pieces began life as poems when I went around the country from Lands End to Cumbria giving poetry and prose readings.Not quite the other end of the country! I thought readers who have bought my book might like to see the original pieces.
     This one is a memory of baking and bouquet days when I was a little tacker! Jealous of the attention mum and dad were giving each other.This inspiration the picture it conjured up was used by MARTIN HESP when he did his superb article in the WMN one Saturday back in September.

                                                 SPRING RITUAL.

The lane was a boundary line
Over which I was not allowed to cross.
An ancient track between two tracts of land,
Our fields and a neighbour's field and copse.

In the hawthorn hedge a tangle of bracken stalks,
Woken by the vibration of hoof on stone
A sunlit slumber of basking  slow worms  slithering
Away from the lumbering-echo-creak of ash and iron.

White sweet violets in a secret single clump. 
"Whoa boy!You sit there and hold the reins."
His rough fingers  fumbling with the short stems,
Head bent,drinking the perfume in deep gulps.

In the kitchen the aroma of potato cakes and buns,
A tiny bouquet  on the black oil cloth.
A wrap around embrace of overalls and apron,
A small shape thrusting against the boundary.
Flour-fleck-petals floating down on my tousled head;
In the hawthorn hedge a gentle stirring in the grass.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Information from back cover of THE farmhouse

From the back cover of THE FARMHOUSE  TREE:

Memories of a farming childhood without electricity,when gran's five-pound-note Christmas present would buy almost half a mile of liquorice bootlaces over ten thousand aniseed balls,three hundred Mars bars or weekly copies of the Dandy and Beano for eleven years!
   A time of village characters charming warts,knocking in fence posts with a clenched fist,cutting a Christmas cake with a mallet and chisel!eating cheese with maggots in and requesting  a baked sparrow pie.
   A time  of sex education on bullpen and field  and when a pig's bladder made a super football.
    A time when an aged maiden aunt knew everything cost an arm and a leg,money didn't grow on trees,the love of it was the root of all evil and curiosity killed the cat........

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


The FARMHOUSE TREE is published this Friday 25th October by Jayde Design Publishing.It can be ordered from any bookshop..the ISBN NUMBER is978-0-9575764-1-4.It costs £12.99.
     It can also be ordered direct from the publisher by sending a cheque for £12.99 made out to Jayde Design and sent to JAYDE DESIGN,21 HONOR OAK ROAD,HONOR OAK LONDON. SE23  3SH.
    The price includes postage and packaging and is the same as the shop price.
     The book  has taken 36/7 years from the beginnings to the has been a labour of love and tells the story of a 1950's childhood in the small North Devon village of East Knowstone.   It has been a painful book to write in places,but the finished version includes humor,sadness and pathos.Some of the pieces have appeared in the Western Morning News,the local daily of the paper of the  West country.These pieces have been extended and there are many unpublished pieces.
     Philip Bowen Head of Content on the paper has written the foreword,and the esteemed  novelist Michael Moorcock has provided the introduction.
      There are 210 pages and photos from my childhood.I would like to blog more frequently but running a one and a quarter wild life garden with six award winning garden ponds takes up a fair bit of time when I'm not writing my Country notebooks  and page articles for the WMNEWS.Look out for my article on 30thOctober on BAMPTON FAIR from my 1950s childhood with its freak shows.....Tattooed Lady,Snake Lady,RAT LADY and THE MIDGET HIGHWAY MAN.
   Another blog again soon.