It can also be ordered direct from the publisher by sending a cheque for £12.99 made out to Jayde Design and sent to JAYDE DESIGN,21 HONOR OAK ROAD,HONOR OAK LONDON. SE23 3SH.
The price includes postage and packaging and is the same as the shop price.
The book has taken 36/7 years from the beginnings to the has been a labour of love and tells the story of a 1950's childhood in the small North Devon village of East Knowstone. It has been a painful book to write in places,but the finished version includes humor,sadness and pathos.Some of the pieces have appeared in the Western Morning News,the local daily of the paper of the West country.These pieces have been extended and there are many unpublished pieces.
Philip Bowen Head of Content on the paper has written the foreword,and the esteemed novelist Michael Moorcock has provided the introduction.
There are 210 pages and photos from my childhood.I would like to blog more frequently but running a one and a quarter wild life garden with six award winning garden ponds takes up a fair bit of time when I'm not writing my Country notebooks and page articles for the WMNEWS.Look out for my article on 30thOctober on BAMPTON FAIR from my 1950s childhood with its freak shows.....Tattooed Lady,Snake Lady,RAT LADY and THE MIDGET HIGHWAY MAN.
Another blog again soon.
Rat Lady? Sounds fascinating... :)